
Friday, May 29, 2020

Gunfighters and Ghosts

With the entire world closed, it looks like it may be awhile before I can do any traveling. With that in mind, I’m re-posting from my original blog. This section follows me and my son's trip from California to Washington DC for a temporary assignment. 

Day 2:

This morning we were up early and on the road around 7 am. We started down the 10 freeway and made a detour to Tombstone. Now, anyone who has ever met me should know my fascination with the “Town to Tough to Die.” When we got there it was still early and very few of the shops were open. Turns out there is only one gunfight each day at the OK Corral, and it’s not until 2 pm. So we shot a few pictures and headed over to Bisbee.
The Famous Bird Cage Theatre

The Office of the Local Newspaper, the Tombstone Epitaph

I had driven past Bisbee 20 years ago when I was stationed at Fort Huachuca. Didn’t stop, but I really liked the way the town was built into a ravine. Today I wanted to go into the town and see the Copper Queen Hotel. The Copper Queen was featured on a episode of “Ghost Hunters” one of my favorite shows. Only got to see the lobby, the folks working didn’t seem too friendly, so we left.

The Town of Bisbee Arizona
The Haunted Copper Queen Hotel.
Spent the rest of the day driving to Roswell, New Mexico. Got here about 9 pm, hope to spend a little time looking around before heading to San Antonio tomorrow.

Friday, May 22, 2020

And So It Begins (again)

With the entire world closed, it looks like it may be awhile before I can do any traveling. With that in mind, I’m re-posting from my original blog. This section follows me and my son's trip from California to Washington DC for a temporary assignment. 

Day 1:

Today we reached Tucson Arizona. Not much of a story. We left home at the crack of noon, after Pauline fixed us breakfast. The first attempt to leave the house was a trip to the end of the driveway. As soon as we reached the first turn we realized we did not have the gps Kenny bought me for Christmas. We still have not found that one, so we took Pauline’s. Kenny and I drove pretty much straight to Tucson. Re-examining the next few days plan, we have come to the conclusion we needed to make some changes. So tomorrow night we will stay in historic Roswell New Mexico. As Mao said, “No Plan Survives Contact with the Enemy.” And so is goes.

Me Standing Next to a Saguaro Cactus on the Way to Tucson

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Prep (a look back at my 2010 trip across the US)

With the entire world closed, it looks like it may be awhile before I can do any traveling. With that in mind, I’m re-posting from my original blog. This section follows me and my son's trip from California to Washington DC for a temporary assignment. 


It's a new year, and I'm ready to take off on a temporary assignment to Ft. Belvoir, VA. My son Kenny and I will leave Sunday for a five, maybe six day trip across the United States. The weather channel is telling us there may be some real trouble ahead, but we plan on pushing on despite the dire warnings.

More to follow.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


With the entire world closed, it looks like it may be awhile before I can do any traveling. With that in mind, I’m re-posting from my original blog. I created the blog to keep family informed while I took my mom on a cruise to Greece.


We had big plans for our final day in New York before heading home to SoCal and our normal routine. We were going to visit a couple of museums, see Central Park and just spend the day at a leisurely pace.

Unfortunately, mom woke up not feeling well and spent the day in the hotel (thanks to the Courtyard Marriott, Times Square for letting her stay in the room well after the required check out time).

I wandered to the Metropolitan Museum and wandered Central Park with and took some pictures.

One of my favorites is of the Gapstow Bridge in Central Park. That photo is the basis for one of my paintings.