
Sunday, November 1, 2020

Seven Magic Mountains

A couple of years ago, I noticed some very colorful rock stacks just off Interstate 15 just outside of Los Vegas, NV.

Since we didn’t have any real plans for stops along the way, we decided to pull off the main road and take a look. 

Two of the Seven Magic Mountains

According to the interpretive signs, the “Seven Magic Mountains elicits continuities and solidarities between human and nature, artificial and natural, then and now. What centers this amalgam of contradictions is the spiritual aspiration, one the bruises, elevates and transcends.”

Now, I don't consider myself to be an expert on art. In fact, I think I was about to be asked to leave the MOCA in LA for making a comment about a large installation piece during a tour. It was a joke, but the docent didn't find it particularly funny (although my wife did, and she is the only audience that matters).

I tried to elicit "continuities and solidarities between human and nature," but was left instead with a strong desire to find some colorful marshmallows. 

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